The Fellowship saves the day...

So, I finally cracked open my new LOTR Extended Version DVD last night. And I'm glad I waited to open it because I really needed something uplifting after a horrid day.

It was the perfect pick-me-up. :)

So beautifully crafted. And though I've had only the most cursory of glimpses, I love the details of the packaging and design. Every nook and cranny oozes Lord of the Rings. The book-like construction, the lettering, the textures, the illustrations, the maps!... Delightful! Every bit of it is reminiscent of the spirit of the book. Not at all an overwrought product dripping with the conceptual tawdriness made accustomed to us by the ubiquity of Hollywood film franchises.

Of course, I don't own many DVDs... But I still think this one rates highly :P

As for the film itself, I haven't noticed any "extended" scenes yet. Hopefully I'll spot something new in the next 8 or so hours of watching. =D

All this talk of the exquisiteness of LOTR has made me wonder where my limited-edition-WETA-created-piece-that houses-a-cut-of-actual-LOTR-film is. So highly prized a possession that I don't know where I put it. My precious...

Well, enough of the jibjab. Maybe next time I will communicate through colours and post a pic. Until then...

— the penguin has spoken!
Nails are done.
Colour: Assassin's red!

More excitement...

As if a new, wet-behind-the-everywheres blog weren't fun enough, my package arrived from Amazon today! (That is, *ahem* the first instalment arrived.) And, although I haven't yet opened it, I think a YAY is in order. Plus, two new tops. (Must curtail spending, yes.)

If anything, I was expecting a mildly down day on the moodometer. But today was definitely an up day. =)

My first post!

Very exciting! My first post to my first blog.

I must admit the raison d'ĂȘtre for the creation of this blog escapes me somewhat. Chronicles and fashion and little inspirations come to mind. I am hoping it all becomes clearer—possibly to you too, O imaginary reader—as I go along.

Unfortunately, with the vagaries of purpose comes the nebulousness of form. I expect the look and feel of this little blog to crystallise over time. Perhaps that is not so unfortunate a thing. It will be like a journey and, when I look back, the various styles will be the markers that remind me of past, momentary perspectives.

Well! Onward we march, to see that which has not been seen....