The Case of the Reappearing Dress

In an October 2009 post entitled (sadly presciently) Long Live McQueen? I included a picture of a hippie-dress-shirt that had caught my fancy. I had seen it at Guess. I liked it, but not quite enough to find it within the scope of my budget at the time.

As the weeks passed, I would check back every now and again to see if it was still there. It was, until it moved eventually to the Sales section. That's when I tried it once more, but the colours seemed different and I let it go. That was that. I never expected to see it again.

*  *  *

It was not even a week ago that I was walking through the mall, throwing quick glances at the spring arrivals. It was at Suzy Shier that I was stopped short. Something had caught my eye. Something hippieish. So, dutifully I stepped into the store for a quick look. I was more than surprised to see it was my hippie-dress-shirt from Guess! I kid you not. Down to the metal button detailing that adorned the v-neck and the gold lamé that ran down the body. Everything was the same save for the label and the price!—less than half of the original-original price.

I am not so naïve as to not realise that these clothes are made in factories that hold contracts to fill orders for multiple apparel companies. Still I was stunned. There are workmanship and fabric and other differentiating factors I thought. I thought

*  *  *

I won't pretend to know what the moral of this story is because I don't. Either way now you know the Case of the Reappearing Dress. And I am left again with the dilemma of whether to buy it... 

lady p
Long Live McQueen! RIP


Anonymous said...

I do so hope you have that dress now. I think a year is rather a wait... it must be true love!