
(repost: November 21. 2010) 

I'm restating my rant in simpler terms. 
For a moment I thought maybe 2 + 2  = 5. 
But it doesn't, of course. 
I shall leave it there.

"Eppur si muove!" —Galileo Galilei
The lady bows to noone!
Lady Penguin


Anonymous said...

The hardest thing to do in the world is to be yourself. No quote, my own words. (copyright disclaimer, that's all. Not being pompous.)

Not sure what 'troubled feelings' you are having, --if any--, but I'm always 'here'..or 'there' for you. Truly.

You know where to find me!

Take care, and keep in touch!

Much love,


Lady Penguin said...

Aw, I tweaked my rant before I saw your comment. But it all still makes sense. I am okay. You are lovely! :)